"My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: It's About Time (#2.20)" (2012) Twilight Sparkle: Oh my gosh, I think I did it! If I can find a way to read The Art of.
Get set for equestria girls at Argos. Same Day delivery 7 days a week £3.95, or fast store collection. My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (also known as My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Magical Movie Night on home release) is a series of animated television specials. The Hijacked by Ganon trope as used in popular culture. An inverted form of The Man Behind the Man. Rather than a new evil being behind an old villain, an. You can watch cartoon movies online for free with proper English translation.
Twilight Sparkle (Character) - Quotes. The content of this page was created by users.
The wonderful new adventure of My Little Pony is called Equestria Girls, today we present the official mobile game released by the famous developer Gameloft where the. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a children's animated fantasy television series developed by Lauren Faust for Hasbro. The series is based on Hasbro's My Little.
It has not been screened or verified by IMDb staff. Twilight Sparkle: Oh my gosh, I think I did it! If I can find a way to read The Art of Invisibility Spells, and Thornhoof's Brief History of Canterlot at the same time, that could leave me a half- hour scheduling window! Huh? [magic crackling, wind blowing] Twilight Sparkle: What's going on?

Twilight Sparkle, wearing a damaged black sneaking suit, an eyepatch, a wild hairstlye, and a cut on one cheek, appears; present Twilight yelps] Future Twilight Sparkle: Twilight, you've got to listen to me! Twilight Sparkle: Who are you? I mean, you're me, but I'm me too. How can there be two 'me's? It's not scientifically possible. You* are not scientifically possible! Future Twilight Sparkle: Twilight, please!
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I have a very important message for you from the future! Twilight Sparkle: You're from the *future*? Future Twilight Sparkle: That's right, now listen.. Twilight Sparkle: What happened to you? The future must be awful.
Future Twilight Sparkle: Please! I don't have much time! Twilight Sparkle: Is there some sort of epic pony war in the distant future or something? Future Twilight Sparkle: Actually, I'm from next Tuesday morning, but that's not important right now! Twilight Sparkle: I can't believe time travel is really possible! How did you, I mean, *I* figure it out?
Future Twilight Sparkle: The time spells are in the Canterlot archives. But that's not.. Twilight Sparkle: Really?
Where? I've never seen them. Future Twilight Sparkle: They're in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing. Now, you have to listen to.. Twilight Sparkle: Is time travel fun, or does it hurt? I have so many questions- [muffled voice; Future Twilight sticks her hoof in present Twilight's mouth] Future Twilight Sparkle: I have something extremely important to tell you about the future, and I only have a few seconds so you've got to listen! Whatever you do, don't- [magic crackling; she disappears] Twilight Sparkle: Future Twilight? Oh no! What was she trying to warn me about?
Her clothes, her mane, that scar.. I mean, I am.. or I.. Twilight Sparkle: She must want me to prevent whatever horrible thing happens in the future! Twilight Sparkle: [having just smashed through Pinkie's party supplies, Twilight has a funny- looking eyeglasses/mustache/nose disguise on] Listen, everypony! I've got something really important to say!
Twilight Sparkle: [she notices the mask and knocks it off] This is no laughing matter! We have a crisis on our hooves! Twilight Sparkle: I've just been visited by myself from the future! Twilight Sparkle: This isn't a joke! My future self tried to warn me about a horrible disaster that's going to occur sometime before next Tuesday morning! Applejack: What kind of disaster?
Twilight Sparkle: I don't know! I got sucked back into the future before I could explain! Twilight Sparkle: [disaster- proofing Ponyville, looking at a checklist] Done, and done, and done.
Applejack, what about the Everfree Forest? Applejack: The perimeter's clear. Twilight Sparkle: Great. Rainbow Dash: And my team gave the all clear from Fillydelphia to Las Pegasus. Twilight Sparkle: Excellent. Well, we've done everything on the list, but still..
Twilight looked like she'd been through a horrible ordeal. I just have this nagging feeling we should be looking for something bigger than loose bolts and leaky pipes. Fluttershy: [rubbing the belly of Cerberus, the giant three- headed dog that guards Tartarus] Who's the cute widdle three- headed dog? Twilight Sparkle: Wow, I knew you were good with animals, but this is amazing. Fluttershy: Aww, he's just a big furry guy who got out of his yard, that's all. Right, Cerberus? Who's a good boy?
Who's a good boy? Pinkie Pie: [screaming] Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie. Pinkie Pie: [stops screaming] Yes, Twilight? Twilight Sparkle: Do you have a ball I can borrow? Pinkie Pie: I have balls stashed all over Ponyville, in case of ball emergency. Twilight Sparkle: I did everything I could think of to change the future.
But it didn't work. So maybe it's not what I do.. I *don't* do! If I stand right here and don't move a muscle until next Tuesday, I can't possibly do whatever it is that future Twilight wanted to warn me not to do! Spike: Really? So.. Then maybe you won't mind if I..
Spike: Mmm! [muffled] Spike: So good! Twilight Sparkle: [through gritted teeth] Spike, stop! Think of the stomach ache!
Spike: [chuckles] Stomach ache, huh? That's future Spike's problem. Twilight Sparkle: [trying to predict and prevent any disaster from happening] Ah, Pinkie, I'm glad you're here. Can you help me recalibrate the apertures on the nine and quarter catadioptric telescopes?
Pinkie Pie: Sure! Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] Pinkie, did you finish recalibrating the apertures on the nine and quarter inch catadioptric telescopes? Pinkie Pie: I have no idea! Twilight tilts the telescope up and points it at the sun] Twilight Sparkle: Ah! My eye! Pinkie Pie: [begins rummaging in the fireplace] Don't worry, Twilight, I have eye patches stashed all over Ponyville, in case of eye patch emergency. Twilight] Pinkie Pie: There! Now you look like a pirate!
A sleepy pirate, with a really weird mane cut. Twilight Sparkle: [after accidently looking at the sun through a telescope, Pinkie Pie puts an eye patch on Twilight] The eye patch..! Another sign! Nearly all the signs have come true! I haven't done a thing to prevent the catastrophe! If Tuesday's tomorrow, and the disaster happens by Tuesday morning, then there's only one solution.
I'll just have to.. Spike: [trying to sneak into the Canterlot Archives wearing black jumpsuits] I dunno why we have to wear *these* things, either. Pinkie Pie: Aren't we wearing them for fun? Twilight Sparkle: [hushed] No, there's nothing *fun* about this! Twilight Sparkle: [sees the entrance to the archives] Huh.
How'd I miss that? Look at all those priceless magic scrolls. There are more than I ever imagined! Pinkie Pie: Twilight, the guard! Twilight Sparkle: [gasps] What do we do, what do we do? Royal Guard: Hey, Twilight, haven't seen you in a while.
Let me open that for ya. Twilight Sparkle: [chuckles nervously] Thanks! Spike: Twilight, it's over!
It's officially Tuesday morning. Twilight Sparkle: Nnngh, no! Tuesday morning, the disaster! Incoming! Spike: I dunno, Twilight.
I don't see any disasters. Looks like a pretty nice day.
Princess Celestia: [walks by] Good morning, Twilight, love the new hairstyle. Well, happy Tuesday! Twilight Sparkle: Why isn't anypony surprised to see me sneaking around in here? Watch Madagascar, A Journey Diary Online For Free. Is it possible there never was a disaster? That I've just been making myself frantic over nothing? Spike: I don't get it. If future Twilight wasn't warning you about a disaster, then what was she trying to tell you?
Twilight Sparkle: [giggles] I don't know. But I do know one thing. I look ridiculous. Twilight Sparkle, Spike: [laughing] Spike: Yeah, you do!
Twilight Sparkle: And it's all because I couldn't stop worrying and let the future handle itself! Well, not anymore. From now on, I'm gonna solve problems as they come, and stop worrying about every little thing! Spike: That's great! Does that mean there won't be any more late night pacing?
Twilight Sparkle: No more late night pacing. If only I had learned this lesson a week ago, we wouldn't have had to go through all this. Twilight Sparkle: [arriving back from her time travel to the past] - waste your time.. I can't believe I just did that. Pinkie Pie: Did you tell her about the cool birthday present? Twilight Sparkle: Remember last week when future Twilight came to warn me about something? That was *me* trying to warn *myself* not to worry so much!
Now I'm gonna spend the next week freaking out about a disaster that doesn't even exist! Ugh.. Pinkie Pie: Ah, don't worry about it. It's past Twilight's problem now. Twilight Sparkle: [giggles] Huh, I guess you're right, Pinkie. Spike: [stomach growls] Ohhh.. I, I think it's all that ice cream..