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Family Feud Best One Page Answer Cheat↓Search Page 1. Question Answer. Name something you would see inside a taxicab. Meter (5. 6), Driver (1. License (8), Air Freshener, Ads. Name something people do to get on their boss' good side. Kiss Up (3. 6), Work Extra (1.
Compliment (1. 0), Always Agree, Get Coffee, Buy Lunch. Name a fruit you never buy just one of. Grapes (4. 4), Apple (1. Orange (1. 3), Banana, Strawberry, Cherry. According to men: You should never interrupt a women when she is _______ . On the phone (2. 3), Sleeping (1.
Cleaning (9), Bathing, Using the Bathroom, Reading, Driving. When Hugh Hefner dies name something he might ask to be buried with. Bunnies (3. 5), Playboy (2. Money (2. 0), Bathrobe, Calendar. Name something a church might be filled with. People (5. 2), Pews (1. Candles (7), Bibles, God, Love.
Name something that people twist. Hair (3. 4), Rope (9), Ties (8), Bottle Cap, Finger, Arm, Ankle. Name something you would prefer to do on Sunday morning instead of going to church. Sleep (6. 1), Television (1.
Exercise (7), Breakfast, Movie, Shop, Read Newspaper. Name something you use when you are cleaning the house.
Vacuum (2. 4), Duster (1. Bleach (1. 2), Broom, Windex, Soap, Mop.
If a bad magician yanked a tablecloth from a fully set table, name something that might hit the ground. Plate (4. 0), Glass (2. Silverware (2. 0), Candles, Food. Besides potatoes, name something you would find in a potato salad. Mayonnaise (2. 5), Eggs (2.
Onions (1. 1), Celery, Mustard. Name something that might be stuffed inside a ravioli. Meat" is not a answer. Be more specific.)Beef (4. Cheese (3. 4), Sauce (7), Chicken, Lobster.
Name something in your home you leave plugged in all the time. Telephone (3. 7), Refrigerator (1. Lamp (1. 0), Clock, Microwave, Toaster. Name something people pour milk in at breakfast. Cereal (6. 0), Glass (1.
Oatmeal (7), Coffee, Pancake Mix, Tea. If you had a keen sense of smell, name a job you would not have. Garbage Collector (3. Perfumer (1. 2), Chef (1. Custodian, Zoo Keeper, Farmer. Name a color the sky turns when the weather gets bad. Gray (5. 4), Black (2.
Green (6), Dark Blue, Red. Name something that used to be free that there is now a charge for. Water (4. 8), Television (1. Banking (1. 1), Directory Assistance, Parking. Name a bad sport for someone who is afraid of the water. Swimming (3. 3), Water Polo (2. Water Skiing (1. 7), Diving, Scuba, Surfing.
Name something you do to keep burglars out of your house that does not seem to work on the Tooth Fairy. Security Alarm (3. Locks (2. 7), Window Bars (1.
Dogs. Name a word that most people yell at their dogs. No (2. 7), Sit (2. Stop (1. 4), Down, Fetch, Bad.
Name a holiday that people wear special colors for. Christmas (5. 1), St. Patrick's Day (2. Fourth of July (1. Easter, Halloween. Name an animal that you are surprised that some people keep as a pet. Snake (3. 3), Tiger (1.
Monkey (8), Elephant, Pig, Rat. Tell me a bad job for someone who hates horses. Jockey (4. 4), Stable Hand (1. Horse Trainer (1. Farmer, Rancher, Veterinarian. Name something on a Swiss Army knife that you would be surprised to see the Swiss Army fighting with.
Can Opener (2. 9), Corkscrew (1. Scissors (1. 4), File, Nail Clippers, Toothpick. Name something a person cannot legally do without a license.
Drive (6. 8), Marriage (9), Hunt (7), Fish, Practice Medicine, Cut Hair. Name something you would see a lot of at Kansas. Corn (2. 0), Sunflowers (1.
Wheat (1. 4), Flat Land, Cows, Tornados. Name something your parents still give you. Love (3. 0), Money (2. Advice (1. 2), Gifts, Grief, Clothes, Food.
Name something in your kitchen you would hate to have break before your dinner party. Stove (3. 1), Dishwasher (1. Plates (1. 1), Glasses, Refrigerator, Table. Name something that starts with "the gift of _______."Life (2. Love (2. 2), Gab (1.
God, Giving, Magi. Name something men lose interest in when they fall in love. Other Women (2. 5), Friends (2. Sports (1. 8), Going Out, Hobbies, Appearance. Name something you might do when your hair is a mess. Wear Hat (3. 4), Comb It (3. Wash It (1. 1), Hairdresser, Scarf, Ponytail.
Name something a Ken doll has that the average guy probably wishes he had too. Barbies (3. 2), Muscles (2. Convertible (1. 0), Handsome, Hair, Tan. Name a musical instrument that is too big to carry on an airplane. Tuba (3. 1), Piano (2. Cello (1. 0), Harp, Drums, Bass, Trombone, Saxophone.
Name a state where disaster could strike at any time. California (5. 4), Florida (1. New York (9), Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana. Name something a hospital uses to transport patients.
Ambulance (3. 1), Wheelchair (2. Gurney (2. 2), Helicopter, Hospital Bed.
Name something you might find on a miniature golf course. Golf Balls (4. 4), Golf Clubs (2. Windmill (1. 9), Holes, Astroturf. Name something a person might do before going to bed that would make it hard for them to get right to sleep.
Coffee (3. 5), Eat (2. Exercise (1. 3), Horror Movie, Argument, Shower. Name a kind of test. Sat (2. 9), Driving (1. Math (1. 4), IQ, Blood. Name a country that has a lot of desert. Egypt (2. 9), Saudi Arabia (2.
United States (9), Iran, India, Iraq, Australia. Name a planet you would recognize just by looking at a picture of it.
Saturn (3. 5), Earth (2. Mars (1. 6), Jupiter. Name something a man with a big belly looks like he just swallowed. Watermelon (4. 3), Ball (2.
Balloon (7), Keg, Tire, Whale, Baby, Pillow. Name a beverage that is served at kids birthday party. Kool Aid (3. 6), Punch (3. Soda (1. 6), Lemonde, Milk. Name something in your car you can control with a push of a button. Radio (3. 5), Windows (2.
Temperature (1. 4), Locks, Horn. Romance Films Hey Arnold: The Jungle Cartoon. Name a famous person named "Jane."Fonda (3. Seymour (1. 1), Jane Doe (8), Mansfield, Goodall. Name a famous Mark.
Mark Mc. Guire (2. Mark Twain (2. 6), Mark Hamill (1. Mark Wahlberg. Tell me a word you might use to describe Bill Gates. Rich (6. 1), Intelligent (1.
Ugly (6), Microsoft, Liberal. Name an electrical appliance most women want on a desert island. Blow Dryer (1. 9), Refrigerator (1. Television (1. 6), Microwave, Stove, Air Conditioner. Name something that might be half- black and half- white.
Animal (3. 7), Cookie (2. Person (1. 0), Newspaper, Ying Yang Symbol.
Name a US state that has big mountains. Colorado (4. 7), Washington (1. Montana (1. 1), North Carolina, Utah, West Virginia. Besides blueberry, name a kind of muffin people eat at breakfast. Banana (2. 5), Bran (2. Corn (1. 2), Oatmeal. Name a word a judge might yell out during a tennis match.
Fault (2. 5), Foul (1. Love (1. 4), Out, Order, Net, Point. Name a type of tree that grows very tall. Redwood (2. 9), Oak (2. Pine (1. 7), Palm, Cypress, Elm.
Name a magazine that has a lot of photographs. People (3. 4), National Geographic (1. Life (1. 2), Playboy, Vogue, US Weekly, Cosmopolitan.
If a witch was not paying attention to where she was flying, name something she might crash into. Tree (4. 5), Building (2. Telephone Pole (7), Power Line, Plane, Bird. Name something people know about Fred Flintstone. Wilma (2. 6), Bedrock (1.
Cartoon (1. 1), Prehistoric, Barney Rubble, Yabba- Dabba- Doo. Name a city in Canada everyone has heard of. Toronto (3. 8), Montreal (2.
Vancouver (1. 6), Quebec City, Niagra Falls, Calgary. Name an animal we eat that would never eat us. Cow (5. 8), Chicken (2. Pig (4), Rabbit, Deer, Sheep. If a coal miner lived in a mine, name something he would have to get used to doing in the dark. Eating (2. 3), Dressing (1. Cooking (1. 0), Reading, bathing, bathroom.
Name something in nature a poet might write about. Trees (3. 3), Flowers (1. Sunset (1. 5), Rivers, Birds, Sky.
Name something you might take with you for an overnight stay at the hospital. Pajamas (2. 9), Clothing (1. Toothbrush (1. 7), Robe, Book, Comb. Name something a model does to make sure she looks just right for her big photo. Fix Hair (2. 3), Makeup (2.
Diets (9), Shaves, Showers, Dress. Name a way you can tell that a fruit has gone bad. Color (3. 6), Mushy (2. Smells (2. 2), Shriveled, moldy. Name a wild animal you would find living in cities. Rats (2. 4), Raccoon (2.
Deer (5), Skunks.